Custom eLearning Development: The Only Guide You Need Instructional Design / eLearning50 min read

Custom eLearning Development: The Only Guide You Need


Did you know that studies have shown that custom eLearning development can improve employee retention rates by up to 60% and reduce training time by up to 50% [1]? That's right! By opting for custom eLearning development that perfectly meets the unique needs of your organization and your employees, you can unlock unparalleled performance and take your teams to soaring new heights of productivity.

After providing a clear and comprehensive definition of custom eLearning development, and unveiling all the advantages it can offer, this comprehensive guide will take you through the four stages of the custom eLearning development process, from analysis and planning to implementation and maintenance. Let's dive in and discover the best practices for supporting your organization's goals through the creation and implementation of engaging custom eLearning content!

[Goal: with this guide you’ll have a full picture of what Custom eLearning development encompasses: the benefits, the complete process, and all the essential building blocks.]


What Is Custom eLearning Development?

Custom eLearning Development Definition and Why It Matters

Custom eLearning development is the process of creating tailored online training content that not only perfectly aligns with the specific goals of your organization but also meets your workforce's learning needs and objectives. By addressing specific skill gaps, it ensures that employees have the high-quality training needed to succeed in their roles. 

It is a critical component of the professional development of the workforce that can serve as a catalyst for tremendous strategic growth.

This type of eLearning is designed to meet your unique firm's requirements, such as specific business goals (micro and macro goals), learning objectives, company culture, branding, and compliance regulations. 

It can be created from scratch or be based on already existing learning content that will be revamped using relevant and engaging multimedia elements and delivered through digital channels such as online courses, webinars, podcasts, and other multimedia formats. 

Custom eLearning Development Characteristics 

Here are some of the customizations that can be selected when developing a custom eLearning solution:

Basic characteristics

  • Web based
  • Mobile
  • Asynchronous
  • Interactive
  • Personalised (based on learner interests and needs)

Interactive characteristics

  • Adaptive (based on learners needs: ex: give more exercises on a specific topic if training results show that the learner is struggling on that, or profile manager vs sale representative)
  • Micro learning
  • Story-Based
  • Gamified
  • Simulations and Scenario-Based Learning
  • VR and AR
  • Blended

Custom eLearning development characteristics




Web-Based Training

Learners access the course through a web browser.

Easy access, can be accessed from anywhere, and can be updated easily.

May require a reliable internet connection, may not be optimized for mobile devices.

Mobile Training

Courses are optimized for mobile devices.

Can be accessed from anywhere, can be completed on-the-go, may be more engaging.

May require a reliable internet connection, may be limited by screen size and device capabilities.

Asynchronous Online Training

Pre-recorded training content which can be accessed at the learner’s own pace rather than in real time.

Learner-centered approach that provides flexibility and convenience, can be completed from anywhere and at any time, allows learners to proceed at their own pace.

May require additional self-discipline and motivation, may not be appropriate for all learning goals, may lack opportunities for real-time interaction and feedback.

Interactive Training

Highly interactive learning experiences are created to engage learners.

Can be highly engaging and immersive, can improve retention and motivation, and can provide immediate feedback.

May require additional development time and resources, and may be limited by the quality of the technology used.

Personalized Training

The learning experience is customized to the needs and interests of each learner.

Can improve learning outcomes by addressing individual needs and preferences, can be highly engaging.

May require additional development time and resources, may be limited by the quality of the technology used.

Adaptive Training

Technology is used to personalize the learning experience for each learner.

Can improve learning outcomes by addressing individual needs and preferences, can provide immediate feedback.

May require additional development time and resources, may be limited by the quality of the technology used.


Short, bite-sized learning modules are created that focus on a specific topic or concept.

Can improve retention and motivation, can be completed quickly, can be easily updated.

May not be appropriate for complex or in-depth learning goals, may require additional development time and resources.

Story-Based Training

Learning is delivered through stories or narratives to make it more engaging and relatable.

Can be highly engaging and immersive, can improve retention and knowledge transfer, can help learners apply learning in real-world situations.

May require additional development time and resources, may not be appropriate for all learning goals, may lack opportunities for real-time interaction and feedback.

Gamified Learning

Game elements are incorporated into the learning experience to make it more engaging.

Can be highly engaging and motivating, can improve retention and knowledge transfer.

May not be appropriate for all learning goals, may require additional development time and resources.

Simulations and Scenario-Based Training

Simulations and scenarios replicate real-world situations to help learners develop problem-solving skills.

Highly engaging and immersive, can improve critical thinking and decision-making skills, can provide immediate feedback.

May require additional development time and resources, may not be appropriate for all learning goals.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Learning

3D environments and objects are used to create a highly immersive learning experience.

Highly engaging and immersive, can simulate real-world situations, can provide immediate feedback.

May require specialized equipment and software, may be expensive to develop.

Blended Learning

Online learning is combined with traditional classroom-based learning.

Can provide a flexible learning experience, can be highly engaging, can cater to different learning styles.

May require additional management and coordination, may not be appropriate for all learning goals.

All these characteristics are what allow custom eLearning development to be the fuel that propels employees to higher levels of performance and productivity, and by comparing it with other training solutions, we can easily understand why.

What It Is Not and How It Is Unique: What Do We Mean By “Custom”?

Simply put, custom eLearning development provides significant benefits that on-site training or off-the-shelf digital training simply cannot match.

On-site training is designed to provide learners with hands-on, interactive experiences that promote skill-building and knowledge acquisition in a unique physical location with a face-to-face setting. However, due to its nature, it entails several limitations, including logistical costs and challenges such as geographic and time constraints, schedule rigidity (which may not be the best fit for all employees), and limited access (which may not be the most cost-effective solution for all firms). While on-site training has traditionally been the go-to training method for many organizations, advancements in technology have made eLearning an increasingly popular alternative, providing organizations with greater flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and time-efficiency, while still delivering high-quality training experiences to learners. 

“Well-known organizations such as IBM have saved upwards of $200 Million by switching from traditional training to eLearning/digital learning.” [2]

Off-the-shelf courses and ready-to-use digital learning materials are designed to meet the needs of a broad audience. These pre-built solutions are usually created by eLearning vendors and/or AI based content providers, and made available for purchase or license. Since these online training courses and materials are designed to be applicable to a wide range of industries and job roles, they usually tend to be generic, and often lack some crucially pertinent material or case-specific application samples, failing to address the specific needs or challenges of the organization or industry. Additionally, they might not successfully resonate with your specific organization’s brand and identity. Furthermore, off-the-shelf digital training may not be as engaging or effective as custom eLearning development, as it may not be tailored to the unique learning styles or preferences of individual learners. Basically, the main trade-off is that there is no customization possible with an off-the-shelf training solution.

Custom eLearning development, on the other hand, is designed to provide organizations with a highly tailored and engaging training experience, which can result in greater employee retention and skill-building, leading to a higher ROI in the long run. It will focus on the skills and knowledge that are most relevant to your organization and your employees, and it will follow your firm’s specific training requirements. 

Now let’s see in more detail the advantages of opting for custom eLearning development. 


Benefits Of Custom eLearning Development

Full Control Over Training Content

Unlike off-the-shelf eLearning solutions, custom eLearning development allows the organization to have full control over the content, design, and delivery of their training programs. This ensures that the training content is relevant, engaging, and effective in meeting the company's specific goals and objectives:

  • Content control: By not spending too much time on what the organisation already knows and have the course focus only on relevant skills the workforce needs to develop: no distractions of irrelevant sections or modules, so no risk of participants skipping important content;
  • Design/culture control: By making sure everything is branded: consistent use organisational tone, reflecting company culture and brand’s identity: graphics, audio, imagery, and even typography;
  • Delivery Control: By selecting the training structure and delivery format of your choice: endless possibilities to create engaging and memorable training content.

Scalability and Flexibility

Successful organizations adapt, evolve, and grow over time. With custom eLearning development, your organization can handle increasing training needs without sacrificing performance or efficiency. Training content can be shared across a growing workforce, re-used and adjusted as needed.

As new employees are hired, they can be quickly and efficiently onboarded through the custom eLearning solution that was developed. Similarly, as employees need to update their skills or learn new ones, custom eLearning development can provide a flexible and scalable solution.

Time Efficiency

Custom eLearning development is also time-efficient. Learners can complete the courses at their own pace with on-demand learning, without the need to take time off work or attend a physical classroom. This means that learners can fit their training around their work and personal commitments, which is especially important for busy professionals, and can be beneficial for the organization too since learning time is reduced and there is no need to allocate specific work hours to the training.

Moreover, by outsourcing eLearning development to specialized agencies, companies can further amplify these time efficiencies. Such agencies bring expertise and streamlined processes that can expedite course creation and implementation, allowing businesses to swiftly roll out training programs without the extended lead times of in-house development.

Cost Effectiveness

Since custom eLearning development ensures that employees are trained on the skills and knowledge that are most relevant to your specific industry and organization, it improves employee productivity and efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings and improved profitability. 

With a customized training solution, there is no need to spend extra time and resources filling the gaps and address the deficiencies that may be present in generic, off-the shelf online courses. 

With eLearning, there are no travel or accommodation expenses, and learners can access the courses from anywhere in the world, 24/7. This means that organizations can save money on training while still providing their employees with quality learning experiences. 

Additionally, the training can be used repeatedly without additional costs, making it an efficiently scalable and cost-effective way to train growing groups of employees. This can also help free up resources that can be invested in other areas, such as employee benefits or compensation, which can also contribute to employee retention.

Improved Employee Retention

High churn rates can be costly for companies in terms of lost productivity, time and resources spent on recruiting and training new employees, and potential damage to the company's reputation. Custom eLearning development can help reduce churn rate in several ways.

Career development opportunities

One of the reasons why employees leave companies is because they feel that there are no opportunities for career advancement. By offering custom eLearning solutions, companies can provide their employees with access to training and development opportunities that can help them acquire new skills and knowledge and advance their careers within the company. This can be a powerful motivator for employees to stay with the company, as they feel that their career goals are being supported and that they have a path to advancement.

Demonstrating investment in employee development

Offering custom eLearning training demonstrates to employees that the organization is committed to investing in their development and growth. This can help to increase employee loyalty and commitment to the organization, as employees will feel that their contributions are valued and that there are opportunities for them to grow and develop within the company.

Engaging content (Improved engagement)

Corporate eLearning can be delivered in a variety of formats, including video, audio, interactive simulations, and gamified learning experiences. This makes it more engaging and interesting for employees, who are more likely to stay engaged and motivated when learning is delivered in an enjoyable and interactive way, as it can also provide instant feedback to employees. This can help employees retain information better, increase employee satisfaction, and reduce churn rates, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their development and provides engaging learning experiences. 

Personalized learning experience

Custom eLearning development provides learners with a personalized learning experience. The courses are designed to meet the specific needs of each learner, ensuring that they receive the information that is relevant to their job role, learning style, and skill level. This means employees can learn at their own pace, receive feedback and guidance, and focus on areas where they need improvement. This approach to custom learning experiences also increases learner engagement and retention, resulting in better learning outcomes.

Easy access

Having instant access to information when needed is crucial for efficient learning. It allows learners to bridge gaps in their understanding as soon as they arise, enhancing their learning process. Custom eLearning development provides an efficient type of training that can be delivered at any time and from any location, making it a flexible and convenient way for employees to access training and development opportunities. This is especially important for employees who may have busy schedules or who work remotely, as it allows them to fit learning into their schedule in a way that works for them. This can help to reduce stress and burnout, which can be a factor in employee turnover.

Cohesive and consistent learning experience 

Custom eLearning can help to ensure consistency in training and development across different departments and locations. By delivering training through a centralized platform, companies can ensure that all employees receive the same level of training and development, regardless of their location or department. This can help to create a more cohesive and consistent company culture and facilitate internal communication, which can contribute to employee retention.

Improved Performance and Productivity

Custom eLearning solutions can help employees improve their performance and productivity by providing targeted training and resources. By addressing specific areas of improvement, employees can gain the skills and knowledge needed to perform their jobs better. This can lead to increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, and higher employee retention rates. 

Employee Attraction

Custom eLearning development can provide personalized training to employees that meets their specific needs and interests. This not only helps employees acquire new skills and knowledge but also conveys that the organization values and supports their professional and personal development. As a result, this can be an attractive feature for top talent, who are seeking organizations that invest in their growth and development. The initial interaction between an employee and an organization often occurs through training, making it a crucial factor. Hence, by prioritizing custom eLearning development, a company can differentiate itself from its competitors and increase its appeal to potential job applicants. 

Measurable Results

Custom eLearning development provides companies with the ability to track and measure the training results using analytics and reporting tools. This allows companies to evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs and make necessary improvements to ensure their success. 

Custom eLearning development also enables learners to monitor their own training advancement, which enhances motivation and promotes accountability.

Better ROI

Investing in custom eLearning development is a smart decision that leads to a better ROI for your organization. 

By investing in the development of your employees through custom eLearning development, your organization can help build a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that is better equipped to handle the challenges of a constantly evolving business landscape. and a better equipped workforce means more productive, self-assured employees, and lower turnover rates. This can help the organization stay competitive, innovate, and grow over the long term, which can benefit both employees and the company as a whole. 


Who Can Benefit From Custom eLearning Development

Custom eLearning development is an essential tool for corporations that want to improve the skills and knowledge of their workforce, reduce training costs, and stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment. Here are some of the most common industries which are currently taking advantage of these custom eLearning development solutions:


Custom eLearning development for retail can include sales training (on customer service skills, sales techniques, inventory management and merchandising), but also general staff, social media marketing, manager and/or banking training.


Custom eLearning development for the hospitality industry can include training on policies, health and safety measures, procedures, customer experiences, guest services, food and beverage management, hotel operations, and housekeeping.

IT and Software

Custom eLearning development for IT and software can include training on coding and programming languages, software development methodologies, project management, remote collaboration tools, and cybersecurity.

Medical Devices

Custom eLearning development for medical device companies can include training on product development, FDA regulations, quality assurance, and sales and marketing.

Big Pharma

Custom eLearning development for pharmaceutical device companies can include training on drug development, clinical trials, drug administering, pharmaceutical regulatory compliance (laws and standards), and sales and marketing.

Business Services

Custom eLearning development for business services can include training on leadership development, team building, communication skills, project management, account management, client servicing, compliance, regulatory requirements, knowledge tests, and training and certifications.


Custom eLearning development for manufacturing can include training on lean manufacturing principles, production management, compliance, quality control, and safety.


Custom eLearning development for finance can include training on accounting principles, financial analysis, risk management, financial services compliance, financial planning, investment strategies, and finance courses with certification programs.


Custom eLearning development for insurance can include training on policy underwriting, claims processing, risk management, services offering, compliance, sales and marketing, and resellers training.

Nonprofit Organizations

Custom eLearning development for nonprofit organizations can include training on donor management, community engagement strategies, and volunteer coordination. Topics might also cover grant writing, financial stewardship, governance, and compliance with nonprofit laws. Custom eLearning solutions can address program design and evaluation, stakeholder communications, fundraising tactics, and mission-driven marketing. Additionally, given the diverse beneficiaries and regions many nonprofits operate in, cultural sensitivity training and multilingual modules can become vital parts of their eLearning agendas.


Overall, custom eLearning development can benefit any industry by providing cost-effective and efficient training solutions tailored to the specific needs of each organization.


Common Types Of Training That Can Be Developed With Custom eLearning Features

Here are some of the most common types of training that are developed using custom eLearning solutions:

Onboarding Training

This type of training is designed to help new employees get up to speed with company policies, culture, procedures, and other essential information. Onboarding training typically includes modules on company history, team introductions, orientation to the company's physical space and resources, and so on.

Custom eLearning solutions can help to create engaging and interactive onboarding training that covers all essential topics. For example, a good content provider can create interactive videos that can be used to introduce employees to the company's culture and values, while quizzes and assessments can test their understanding of key policies and procedures.

Sales Training

Sales training can help salespeople learn about the company's products and services, sales techniques, customer service, and best practices for closing deals. Sales training may also include modules on lead generation, market research, and how to use sales tools like CRM software.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create product simulations, interactive case studies, and role-playing scenarios that help salespeople to learn and practice their skills in a safe, virtual environment. This type of custom content training can help salespeople build confidence and develop their knowledge of products and services.

Product Training

This type of training is focused on educating employees about the company's products or services. Product training may cover the features, benefits, and technical specifications of products or services. It may also include additional resources such as training on how to use products or services effectively.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create engaging and interactive modules that showcase the features and benefits of products or services. For example, product demonstrations, virtual tours, and simulations can be used to help employees understand how products work and how they can benefit customers.

Process Training

Process training is designed to help employees understand and follow the company's workflows and processes. This type of training may include modules on project management, workflow optimization, or quality control.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create process maps, flowcharts, and interactive simulations that help employees understand and follow company workflows and processes. This type of training can help to reduce errors and improve efficiency.

Software Application Training

Software application training is designed to teach employees how to use specific software applications, such as productivity tools, customer relationship management software, or project management software.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create interactive software simulations and tutorials that teach employees how to use specific software applications. This type of training can help employees to become more proficient with software applications and reduce the need for one-on-one training and tech support.

Safety and Compliance Training

Safety and compliance training is focused on educating employees on workplace safety regulations, emergency procedures, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. 

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create engaging and interactive safety and compliance training that covers relevant laws and regulations. For example, interactive scenarios can be used to teach employees how to respond to emergencies and handle hazardous materials safely.

Soft Skills and Behaviour Training

Soft skills and behavior training focus on developing skills such as communication, time management, problem-solving, teamwork, diversity, and leadership. These skills are essential for employees to succeed in their roles and contribute to a positive work environment.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create interactive modules that help employees develop their soft skills and behaviour. For example, interactive simulations can be used to teach employees how to handle difficult conversations, provide feedback, and work collaboratively with others.

Leadership Training

Leadership training helps employees develop the skills they need to lead teams, manage projects, and make strategic decisions. This type of training may cover topics such as delegation, conflict resolution, and decision-making.

Custom eLearning solutions can be used to create engaging and interactive leadership training that covers topics such as delegation, decision-making, and communication. For example, interactive case studies can be used to teach employees how to make strategic decisions and lead teams effectively.

Non Profit Organizations Training

In the nonprofit landscape, the applications of custom eLearning are diverse and impactful.

With custom eLearning solutions, volunteer training can become streamlined, ensuring that every participant is well-versed in organizational values, protocols, and specific roles. Awareness campaigns also find a powerful ally in customized eLearning modules, which can delve into topics in depth to inform and mobilize the public about pressing causes. Additionally, for the beneficiaries that nonprofits aim to serve, eLearning can be a beacon, offering skill development opportunities that can radically enhance livelihoods or life quality. and, not to be overlooked, internal training can harness eLearning to bolster the capacities of staff, equipping them with skills in areas like fundraising and project management to keep the organizational machine running optimally.

There are many more training types that can be customized in countless ways; the possibilities are endless. So how do you determine which solution is suitable for your organization? Following the custom eLearning development process can give you the answer. 


Custom eLearning Development Process

The custom eLearning development process includes four major stages: analysis and planning, design and development, implementation and launch, and deployment and performance monitoring. Here is the step by step process:


A. Analysis and Planning

1. Defining the Target Audience

Identifying the target audience is an important step in custom eLearning development. This involves understanding the needs, preferences, and learning styles of the target audience. Custom eLearning solutions can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different target audiences, such as new hires, managers, or sales teams.

2. Identifying the Learning Objectives

Defining the learning objectives is another critical step in custom eLearning development. This involves identifying the specific knowledge, skills, and behaviors that employees need to acquire to perform their jobs effectively. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable, and achievable, and should align with the organization's overall goals and objectives.

3. Selecting Delivery Format and Platform

Selecting the appropriate eLearning format is another key step in custom eLearning development. eLearning formats can include videos, interactive courses, webinars, and podcasts. The appropriate format should be selected based on the learning objectives, target audience, and available resources.

Identify the technology requirements for the eLearning program

Ensuring accessibility and compatibility is also important in custom eLearning development. Custom eLearning solutions should be accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities. This involves ensuring that the eLearning platform is compatible with screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies.

Comparing different eLearning authoring tools and learning management systems (LMS)

At this stage, it’s time to identify your eLearning development needs, including the types of content you need to create and the features you require in an LMS. 

For example, if you need to create interactive courses with quizzes and assessments, you may want to consider rapid authoring tools like Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate. If you need a more comprehensive LMS that includes features like reporting and analytics, you may want to consider platforms like Moodle or Blackboard.

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can begin comparing different authoring tools and LMS platforms. This involves researching the features and capabilities of each tool, as well as their pricing and support options. It may also involve trying out demos or free trials to get a feel for how each tool or platform works.

Selecting best tools for specific needs and budget

After you have compared different tools and platforms, you can move on to the next step, which is selecting the best tools for your specific needs and budget. This involves weighing the pros and cons of each option and making a decision based on your priorities. For example, if your budget is a top concern, you may need to choose a more affordable authoring tool or LMS platform that still meets your basic requirements. On the other hand, if you have more flexibility in your budget, you may be able to choose a more feature-rich tool or platform that offers more advanced capabilities.

4. Creating the Content Outline, the Storyboard and a Prototype

Creating a clear and concise content strategy is essential in custom eLearning development. The custom training content should be organized and structured in a way that is easy to navigate and understand. The custom training content should also be concise and focused, with clear and actionable learning objectives. 

Creating a Content Outline involves outlining the topics and subtopics that will be covered in the eLearning course. This step is essential to ensure that the course content is organized, and all important topics are included. The outline should include a summary of each topic, learning objectives, and any specific activities or assessments that will be included.

Once the custom training content outline is complete, the next step is to create a storyboard. A Storyboard is a visual representation of the eLearning course that breaks it down into individual screens or slides. The storyboard should include a description of the content, images or graphics that will be used, and any interactive elements or multimedia that will be included. It should also include notes on the timing of each screen, transitions, and any audio or video editing that will be incorporated.

Creating a prototype is the next step in custom eLearning development. A prototype is a working model of the eLearning course that demonstrates how the content, layout, and interactions will work in the final product. At this stage, the prototype can be as simple as a basic mockup or as complex as a fully functional course with interactive elements and multimedia.

The prototype is an essential step because it allows the development team to test the functionality of the course and make adjustments before finalizing the design. This step can also help identify any potential technical issues and allow for early problem-solving.


B. Design and Development

1. Creating Visual Design and User Interface

The next step in the custom eLearning development process is to create the visual design and user interface of the training course. Both the visual design and user interface should be aligned with the course goals and objectives. The visual design part involves designing the look and feel of the course, including the color scheme, typography, and graphical elements. The user interface design includes the layout and navigation elements, ensuring that the course is intuitive and easy to use.

The visual design is critical in creating an engaging and effective eLearning course. It can help capture the learners' attention and make the course content more accessible and memorable. The design should be visually appealing and align with the training's goals and objectives. The choice of color, imagery, and typography should be consistent with the organization branding and theme of the course.

The user interface design is also crucial in creating a positive learning experience. It should be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for learners to navigate through the course. The interface should be designed with the learners' needs in mind, ensuring that the course is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities or who use assistive technology.

When creating the visual design and user interface, it's essential to consider the eLearning authoring tool and LMS platform's capabilities. Some authoring tools and LMS platforms have pre-built templates or themes that can be used to create a consistent look and feel throughout the course. However, custom designs can also be created using a range of software tools, including graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

2. Developing Interactive Features to Promote Engagement

Designing interactive and engaging content is critical in custom eLearning development. Interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and games can make learning fun and engaging, while also providing instant feedback to employees. By providing opportunities for learners to apply and practice the course content, interactive features can also help employees retain information better and apply it to their work.

Quizzes and assessments can help learners test their knowledge and understanding of the course content, while simulations and gamification elements can provide a more immersive learning experience. Branching scenarios can present learners with real-world scenarios and decision-making opportunities, helping to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

When developing interactive features, it's essential to ensure that they are aligned with the course's goals and objectives and that they provide value to the learner. Interactive features should be relevant, meaningful, and engaging, and they should be designed to help learners achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Developing interactive features involves using the eLearning authoring tool and LMS platform's capabilities to create custom interactions and activities. Many authoring tools and LMS platforms have pre-built interactive templates that can be used to create engaging interactions quickly. However, custom interactions can also be created using a range of software tools, including programming languages like JavaScript and HTML.

3. Incorporating Multimedia Elements for Dynamic Learning

Incorporating multimedia elements such as images, animations, videos, audio, and simulations can also make custom eLearning solutions more engaging and effective. Creating immersive learning experiences with multimedia elements can help employees visualize and understand complex concepts, making it easier for them to retain information and apply it to their work.

4. Incorporating Assessments and Evaluations

Incorporating assessments and evaluations is important in custom eLearning development. Assessments and evaluations are essential components of any eLearning course, as they help measure learners' progress and determine whether the course's learning objectives have been met.

Assessments can help employees measure their progress and identify areas where they need to improve. Assessments can come in many forms, such as quizzes, exams, and assignments. They can be used to test learners' knowledge and understanding of the course content and provide feedback on their performance. Assessments should be aligned with the course's learning objectives and should be designed to evaluate the learners' ability to apply the course content to real-world situations.

Evaluations can help businesses measure the effectiveness of their eLearning solutions and make improvements where necessary. Evaluations are used to measure the effectiveness of the course and identify areas for improvement. Evaluations can come in the form of surveys, feedback forms, and performance metrics. They can be used to gather feedback from learners on the course's content, design, and usability and provide insight into how well the course is meeting the learners' needs.

When incorporating assessments and evaluations, it's essential to consider the eLearning authoring tool and LMS platform's capabilities. Many authoring tools and LMS platforms have pre-built assessment templates that can be used to create quizzes and exams quickly. However, custom assessments and evaluations can also be created using a range of software tools, including survey software and performance tracking tools.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance (aka analysing gathered data from assessments and evaluations and making necessary improvements)

Analysis of the evaluation results and feedback is necessary to determine the course's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Data analysis can help identify patterns and trends in the feedback and evaluation results, and inform decisions about changes to the course content or design.

Any necessary improvements to the course should be made based on the evaluation results and feedback. These improvements can include revising course content, modifying interactive features, or making changes to the user interface. Quality assurance testing should also be conducted to ensure that the course is functioning as intended and that there are no technical issues or bugs.


C. Implementation and Launch

This next step involves planning the launch and rollout of the eLearning program, providing training and support for learners and administrators, and ensuring that the program is accessible and compatible with different devices and platforms.

1. Planning the launch and rollout of the eLearning program

The launch and rollout of the eLearning program should be carefully planned to ensure that it is successful. This involves setting a launch date, developing a marketing plan to promote the program through the organization so it gets accepted by the right audience which was identified in the first step. The launch plan should also include strategies for measuring the program's success and tracking learner performance and engagement.

2. Providing training and support for learners and administrators

To ensure that learners can use the program effectively, it's important to provide training and support. This can include online training modules, tutorials, or live training sessions. Administrators who will be managing the program should also receive training on how to use the learning management system and other tools.

3. Ensuring that the program is accessible and compatible with different devices and platforms

Accessibility and compatibility are critical considerations for eLearning programs. The program should be accessible to learners with disabilities and designed to work on a range of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Compatibility with different browsers and operating systems should also be considered.


D. Deployment and Performance Monitoring

1. Deploying the eLearning Course (on the chosen platform)

This step involves making the eLearning course available to learners on the platform where it will be hosted.

To deploy the eLearning course, the development team will need to ensure that the course content and all associated files are uploaded and accessible on the platform. This may involve working with the learning management system (LMS) or other platform provider to ensure that the course is correctly configured and integrated with other systems or tools.

Once the eLearning course has been deployed, learners should be able to access it through the LMS or other platform. The deployment process should also include testing to ensure that the course is functioning correctly and that learners are able to access and navigate the course content.

In addition to deploying the course itself, the deployment process may also involve setting up user accounts and permissions, configuring notifications and reminders, and ensuring that the platform is compatible with different devices and browsers.

Overall, the deployment process is a critical step in custom eLearning development. It involves making the course content and associated files available on the chosen platform, ensuring that the platform is configured correctly, and testing to ensure that the course is functioning as intended. Once the course has been deployed, learners should be able to access and engage with the content, and the development team can continue to monitor and evaluate the course's effectiveness.

2. Monitoring and Evaluating Performance (assessing effectiveness)

Calculating the ROI (return on investment) for the eLearning program

ROI is a critical consideration for eLearning development. By calculating the ROI, organizations can determine the financial benefits of the program and whether it was a worthwhile investment. ROI can be calculated by comparing the cost of developing and implementing the program with the benefits it has provided, such as increased productivity, reduced training costs, and improved performance.

Analyzing the cost savings and benefits of custom eLearning development

In addition to ROI, it's also important to analyze the cost savings and other benefits of custom eLearning development. This can include reduced training costs, improved retention, and increased employee engagement.

Identifying ways to further optimize the program to increase its ROI

Once the ROI and benefits of the eLearning program have been analyzed, organizations can identify ways to further optimize the program to increase its ROI. This can involve refining the course content, improving the user experience, or implementing new features or technologies.

Kirkpatrick's four-level model of evaluation

Kirkpatrick's four-level model of evaluation is a widely used framework for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs. The four levels include reaction, learning, behavior, and results. By evaluating the eLearning program using this framework, organizations can determine its effectiveness at each level and identify areas for improvement.

Measuring learning outcomes (Return On Learning, aka ROL)

Measuring learning outcomes is another important aspect of evaluating the effectiveness of the eLearning program. This can involve assessing learners' knowledge and skills before and after the course, conducting quizzes or assessments, and analyzing engagement data.

Evaluating user experience

User experience is a critical consideration for eLearning programs. By evaluating user experience, organizations can identify areas where learners may be struggling or disengaged and make improvements to the course content, design, or delivery.

The role of analytics and reporting

Analytics and reporting can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the eLearning program. By analyzing data on learner engagement, completion rates, and other metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about optimizing the program.

3. Updating and Maintaining the Course

This last step of the custom eLearning development process involves establishing a system for maintaining and updating the program, identifying areas for improvement and making necessary changes, and ensuring that the program remains relevant and effective over time.

Establishing a system for maintaining and updating the program

To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the eLearning program, it's essential to establish a system for maintaining and updating the course content, technology, and delivery methods. This can involve assigning responsibilities to different team members, setting up regular review cycles, and implementing a system for tracking changes and updates.

Identifying areas for improvement and making necessary changes

Through ongoing monitoring and evaluation, areas for improvement in the eLearning program can be identified. These areas may include updates to the content, design, or technology used in the program. Changes should be made as needed to ensure that the program remains effective and engaging for learners.

Ensuring that the program remains relevant and effective over time

As technology and best practices evolve, it's essential to ensure that the eLearning program remains relevant and effective over time. This can involve reviewing the program periodically to ensure that it's up-to-date with the latest trends and practices in the industry. Regular updates and revisions to the program should be made to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

The custom eLearning development process might seem challenging and tedious overall due to its many steps and the need to take into account multiple factors such as learning objectives, audience, delivery methods, and evaluation methods. However, it can become a really straightforward and easy process once the analysis and planning phase is completed.


Common Challenges of custom eLearning development and Solution

There are several common challenges that need to be considered when investing in custom eLearning development:

Time and Resources

Custom eLearning development may require a significant amount of time and resources to create, design, and implement the training content. Large corporations may face challenges in dedicating the necessary resources and personnel to the project, resulting in delays and missed deadlines.

Content development and management

Custom eLearning development requires effective content management to ensure that the training content is up-to-date, relevant, and engaging. Large corporations may face challenges in managing the content and ensuring that it is aligned with the company's goals and objectives.

Technical expertise

Custom eLearning development requires technical expertise in creating and implementing the eLearning course using specialized software and tools. Large corporations may need to invest in additional technology and training to ensure their employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to create and manage the eLearning course effectively.

Choosing the right partner

Factors to consider

  1. Expertise: Look for a partner who has a proven track record or samples of delivering high-quality custom eLearning solutions. Check their portfolio to see if they have experience in creating eLearning courses for your industry or niche.

  2. Technical capabilities: Make sure the partner you choose has the technical expertise to handle your project requirements. This includes knowledge of authoring tools, learning management systems (LMS), and multimedia development tools.

  3. Project management skillsEnsure that the partner you choose has effective project management skills. This includes the ability to manage timelines, budgets, and stakeholders.

  4. Communication skillsLook for a partner who has good communication skills and is responsive to your queries and concerns. Want to try it out ? Feel free to book a call with us today.

Questions to ask potential partners

Here are some questions you can ask potential partners:

  1. Can you provide samples from clients in our industry or niche?
  2. What is your experience in creating custom eLearning solutions?
  3. What are your technical capabilities?
  4. How do you manage projects?
  5. How do you communicate with clients during the project lifecycle?

Evaluating potential partners

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating potential partners:

  1. Check their portfolio and case studies to see if they have experience in creating custom eLearning solutions that meet your requirements.
  2. Look for client feedback such as reviews and testimonials from past clients to see if they have a good reputation in the industry.
  3. Check if they have any certifications or awards that demonstrate their expertise in eLearning development.
  4. Consider their pricing and how it aligns with your budget.
  5. Top eLearning companies should offer the opportunity for direct communication. It's essential they have team members available for scheduled calls to address any questions or concerns you might have. To get a sense of how such interactions can benefit you, feel free to book a call with us today.

The importance of collaboration 

It is fundamental to note that the custom eLearning development process involves a cooperative approach that incorporates the expertise of various professionals, such as subject matter specialists (SMEs), instructional designers, authoring tool experts, animators, video editors, storyboard artists, copywriters, LMS engineers, and meticulous project management and planning in order to facilitate the development of learner-centric trainings. 

This means that when selecting a partner for custom eLearning development, it's essential to ensure that they have access to a team of professionals covering all these areas of expertise.

The Solution

The easy solution to avoid all those potential challenges is simple: choose Genius Publicity, America's leading instructional design agency. We deliver tailored, efficient, and scalable eLearning solutions that drive measurable results. Our innovative team utilizes cutting-edge technologies to boost employee performance and productivity. We offer post-project support, ensuring your training solutions continue to deliver value, making us a strategic partner in your success. Get in touch with us for more details.


Key Considerations for Custom eLearning Development

A. Instructional Design Principles

When developing custom eLearning, it is essential to follow sound instructional design principles to ensure that the content is effective, engaging, and meaningful for learners. This involves analyzing the learning needs of the audience, identifying learning objectives, creating an instructional strategy, designing content, and evaluating the effectiveness of the eLearning program.

For example, if the learning objective is to teach employees how to use a new software application, the instructional design should include a clear explanation of the software's features and functions, interactive exercises to practice using the software, and assessments to test the learners' understanding of the software.

B. User Experience Design

User experience design is essential for custom eLearning development, as it can influence learners' engagement and motivation. This involves designing an interface that is intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Considerations may include the layout and design of the content, the use of multimedia elements, and the integration of interactive elements such as quizzes or simulations.

For instance, consider an eLearning course designed for onboarding scientists at a large pharmaceutical company. The course might include an interactive simulation of conducting a virtual clinical trial, where learners can practice data collection, analysis, and reporting using the company's internal systems in a simulated environment. Such a hands-on approach offers a more engaging and effective learning experience, thereby streamlining the onboarding process.

C. Content Creation and Development

The content of an eLearning program is crucial, serving as the backbone of the entire program. It must be accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. This involves creating content that aligns with the learning objectives and instructional strategy, choosing appropriate multimedia elements, and ensuring that the content is presented in a clear and concise manner.

For instance, an eLearning course aimed at upskilling a sales team for better sales results could include video tutorials of successful sales techniques, interactive role-play simulations to practice negotiation skills, and quizzes on product knowledge to ensure a comprehensive understanding that can lead to improved sales performance.

D. Technology and Tools

Choosing the right technology and tools is critical to the success of a custom eLearning project. This involves selecting a learning management system (LMS), authoring tools, and other software that support the delivery of eLearning content.

For example, an eLearning course that is designed for mobile devices may require the use of responsive design techniques to ensure that the content is displayed correctly on different screen sizes and resolutions.

E. Project Management and Timelines

Effective project management is essential for custom eLearning development. This involves developing a project plan, setting timelines and milestones, and assigning responsibilities to team members.

For example, the project plan for an eLearning course may include a timeline for content creation, user interface design, and quality assurance testing. The appropriate timeframe for planning will depend on the topic, audience, and learning objectives.

F. Budget and Resources

Budget and resources are critical considerations for custom eLearning development. This involves estimating the costs associated with content creation, software development, and other project-related expenses.

For example, the cost of developing an eLearning course may include the cost of multimedia elements, authoring software, and the time and resources required to create the content. It is important to ensure that the budget and resources are sufficient to support the project's goals and objectives.

Budgeting (long term) with the intention of updating the content over time may also be a valid point to consider. In order to ensure that the content remains relevant, accurate, and engaging, it must be periodically reviewed and updated. This may involve incorporating new research findings, updating software tutorials based on new versions or patches, or adapting to changes in laws or regulations that affect the content.

Furthermore, learner engagement and user feedback may reveal areas of the course that could be improved or expanded upon, which would also necessitate updates to the existing content itself. These updates require time, resources, and sometimes additional software or tools, all of which should be factored into the long-term budget.

Failing to consider the essential points outlined above when developing custom eLearning programs can lead to significant risks, including disengaged learners, ineffective training, wasted resources, and even damage to an organization's reputation. Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to take a thorough and thoughtful approach when developing custom eLearning programs to ensure that they achieve their desired goals and objectives. By considering all the important aspects of custom eLearning development, organizations can create programs that effectively engage and train their employees, leading to increased productivity, better performance, and overall success. 


Best Practices for Custom eLearning Development

Custom eLearning development best practices are also worth mentioning since they are part of what makes custom eLearning content engaging, effective, and impactful. 

A. User-Centered Design Approach

1. Understanding Learners' Needs and Preferences

This involves gaining a deep understanding of the target audience or learners, their characteristics, knowledge level, experience, preferences, and learning style. It helps in creating relevant and effective eLearning content that resonates with the learners, making the learning experience engaging and meaningful.

2. Taking Into Consideration Adult Learning Principles

Adult learning principles, often rooted in the theory of andragogy introduced by Malcolm Knowles, are guidelines and best practices for educating adults. In eLearning, the application of these principles helps to create engaging and effective online courses tailored to adult learners. Here are the key principles of adult learning in the context of eLearning:

  1. Autonomy in Learning: Mature learners thrive when they can steer their educational journey. Online platforms should empower them with choices regarding their trajectory and pacing.
  2. Leveraging Past Experiences: Drawing from one's history enhances the learning process. Digital courses should utilize relatable examples, stories, and avenues that allow learners to correlate lessons with their own past.
  3. Immediate Applicability: Mature learners are keen on content that they can promptly use in their daily lives, whether personally or professionally. Digital lessons should be practical and align with real-world demands.
  4. Solution-Focused Learning: Instead of a strict content-driven method, a solution-oriented approach resonates more with adults. eCourses should spotlight practical problem-solving through real-life simulations and scenario-based instruction.
  5. Inner Drive: Beyond external acknowledgments like certificates, mature learners are often propelled by internal rewards such as self-growth and accomplishment. Digital learning platforms can foster this by integrating introspective activities, self-checks, and constructive feedback loops.
  6. Peer Recognition: Adult students appreciate a platform where their voices and experiences are acknowledged. Digital education should champion peer sharing, learner contributions, and mutual respect.
  7. Engagement Through Interaction: Active engagement boosts retention and understanding. Infuse online courses with interactive tools, collaborative activities, group tasks, and dynamic assessments.
  8. Timely Responses: Swift and meaningful feedback in digital courses facilitates a better grasp of subjects and highlights areas for improvement.
  9. Adaptable Learning Modes: Given the multifaceted lives of adults, online courses should offer adaptable formats, easy-to-access materials, and be user-friendly across devices.
  10. Nurturing Environment: A conducive online learning ambiance is one where learners can openly express, inquire, and learn without fear. Cultivate a welcoming digital community and steer clear of penalizing mistakes harshly.

By incorporating these refreshed guidelines, those creating digital courses can better address the unique needs and preferences of mature learners in the eLearning landscape.

3. Creating Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences

The design of custom eLearning should aim to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. This includes using multimedia elements, interactive assessments, scenarios, and simulations, and incorporating game-based learning techniques. The design should be visually appealing and intuitive to enhance the learner's experience.

B. Designing for Accessibility and Inclusivity

1. Adhering to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Custom eLearning content should be designed to be accessible to all learners, regardless of their disabilities or impairments. Designers should follow the WCAG guidelines to ensure that the content can be accessed and used by everyone, including those with visual, auditory, or physical impairments.

2. Designing for Multilingual Learners and Content Localization

Custom eLearning content should be designed to cater to learners who speak different languages. This involves designing the content to be easily translatable, using simple and straightforward language, avoiding idiomatic expressions and cultural references, or making sure those are correctly translated in each language.

In addition to making eLearning content translatable, it's essential to consider localization. Localization goes beyond simple translation to adapt the content in a way that it resonates with the cultural, societal, and regional nuances of each targeted locale. It takes into account local customs, behaviors, and norms to make the content more relevant and engaging to the specific audience. For example, this could mean altering examples or imagery in order to reflect local contexts, adapting to local laws and regulations, or even modifying the course structure to align with local educational practices. By localizing the eLearning content, developers can ensure that the course is not only understandable but also culturally sensitive and relevant, which can enhance the learning experience and outcomes for diverse groups of learners.

C. Adhering to Standards and Guidelines

1. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)

SCORM is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products that enables interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of eLearning content. Custom eLearning content should be designed to adhere to SCORM standards to ensure compatibility with different learning management systems.

2. xAPI (Experience API)

xAPI is a specification for collecting, storing, and sharing learning experience data. Custom eLearning content should be designed to be xAPI-compliant to enable tracking and analysis of learners' activities, progress, and achievements across multiple platforms and devices.

D. Evaluating and Providing Feedback

1. Implementing Effective Evaluation Metrics

Evaluation metrics should be implemented to measure the effectiveness and impact of custom eLearning content. This involves designing assessments, quizzes, and surveys that measure the learners' knowledge acquisition, retention, and application.

2. Providing Learner Feedback Mechanisms

Learner feedback mechanisms should be implemented to encourage learners to provide feedback on the custom eLearning content. This can include providing opportunities for learners to rate the content, provide comments, or ask questions. The feedback can be used to improve the custom content and enhance the learner's experience.

E. Keep up with new trends

Custom eLearning development is an ever-evolving field, and it is essential to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to ensure that the content stays engaging, effective, and relevant. Some of the new trends in custom eLearning development that our clients keep asking for include:


Personalization involves tailoring the learning experience to the individual needs and preferences of the learner. Custom eLearning content can be designed to adapt to the learner's progress, provide personalized feedback, and recommend learning activities based on the learner's interests. 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to enhance the learning experience by providing personalized recommendations, automating assessments, and providing real-time feedback. These technologies can also be used to analyze learner data and identify patterns that can be used to improve the content.

Microlearning and Nanolearning

Microlearning involves delivering small, bite-sized pieces of information that can be easily consumed by the learner. Custom eLearning content can be designed to deliver microlearning modules that focus on specific topics and can be accessed on-demand.

As the average human attention span diminishes and the world increasingly relies on digital tools and information, nanolearning is projected to gain momentum in coming years. Incorporating nanolearning into an organization's employee training strategy offers a solution for concise and easily “digestible” information. This form of learning involves bite-sized resources such as brief videos, sound bites, and texts. It is particularly suited to the younger generation, especially Gen Z, with their shorter attention spans. PhD research also shows this type of learning is really efficient [3]. As a result, nanolearning is an effective and indispensable method of providing training in the current digital age. 

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR)

Virtual and augmented reality can be used to create immersive and engaging learning experiences. Custom eLearning content can be designed to incorporate virtual and augmented reality elements, such as simulations, scenarios, and games, to provide a more realistic and interactive learning experience.

Cohort-Based Learning (CBL)

Cohort-based learning is an eLearning approach that involves a group of learners progressing through a course together, in contrast to self-paced individual learning. This method addresses the social isolation commonly experienced in self-paced online learning environments by fostering a sense of community and accountability among learners. Participants engage in discussions, collaborate on assignments, and share experiences with one another, enhancing engagement and retention.


Gamification involves using game-based elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to motivate and engage learners. Custom eLearning content can be designed to incorporate gamification elements to make the learning experience more fun and engaging. According to research, game-based learning is considered more engaging and enjoyable by 80% of US workers. Moreover, studies demonstrate that gamification can lead to an improvement in outcomes by 45.5% and 60.67% when combined with reading, underscoring its efficacy. [4]

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)

A Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is a cloud-based platform that focuses on delivering personalized and engaging learning experiences to employees. Unlike traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS), which are more focused on managing training and compliance, LXPs prioritize the learner's experience, providing content recommendations, social learning features, and other interactive features. The trend towards LXPs is driven by the need for more effective and engaging learning solutions in a rapidly changing workplace, where continuous upskilling and reskilling are essential to keep up with technological advancements and stay competitive.

Continuous learning: upskilling and reskilling

In light of a Gartner study revealing that over 30% of skills necessary a few years ago are becoming outdated [5], it is imperative to equip learners with the necessary tools to consistently update their training. This is especially crucial in times of constant change. To ensure training remains pertinent to the learners' skills and job requirements, it is recommended to adopt a highly personalized and flexible approach. By doing so, learners can keep their skills up to date, while ensuring that the training remains relevant and practical. 

Due to high employee turnover rates, organizations are also prioritizing the investment in continuous learning as a means to retain and recruit top talent. An environment that fosters continuous learning and empowers employees through motivation and recognition leads to enhanced team performance. This year, companies are focusing on offering workers opportunities to upskill or reskill through a variety of training programs, including technical expertise, leadership development, and diversity and inclusion training. By creating these programs with employees' future career paths in mind, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to supporting their growth and development.

More and more well-being training

We noted that corporations are giving increasing importance to employee well-being through the provision of training programs that concentrate on various aspects of well-being, including mental, physical, and financial wellness. These training programs aim to tackle problems like burnout, work-life balance, and financial stability, as well as provide guidance on topics like mindfulness, productivity, taking breaks, and managing personal finances to decrease stress. The shift in focus towards employee well-being emphasizes the significance of maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life, and acknowledges the possible negative effects of burnout on employee health and overall satisfaction.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In today's interconnected and diverse world, organizations are prioritizing cultural competence and inclusivity in their training and development programs. They ask us to create training programs that are sensitive to cultural differences and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. This can entail integrating content on cultural competency and diversity into training programs and devising approaches to guarantee that all employees have access to training and development opportunities.

Mobile learning

The popularity of mobile learning has been increasing over the years due to people's hectic schedules. Especially since the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent shift towards online learning, the need for mobile training solutions has become even more crucial. This shift has expedited the digitalization of operations and emphasized the significance of mobile learning. As mobile learning progresses, there is an expectation of improvements in compatibility and responsiveness to minimize any compatibility problems and enhance the user experience.


Micro-credentials are certifications granted after the completion of a brief course or training that validate crucial job skills and competencies gained in a relatively short time. They can be likened to mini degrees or specializations and have gained popularity in recent times. In the business world, a micro-credential can add significant value to a candidate's resume. Although there are no official guidelines for evaluating knowledge, an assignment is usually provided to ensure that learning objectives have been met, making micro-credentials a trustworthy proof of acquired knowledge and skills.

As contemporary professionals are invested in building impressive resumes and acquiring versatile skills, micro-credentials will continue to grow in popularity and become the preferred solution for skills enhancement.

Outsourcing custom eLearning development to eLearning agencies

Effective eLearning content is critical to the success of training programs. Although some organizations may opt to produce their own modules or outsource to single instructional designers, the results may not always be optimal. To generate compelling eLearning content, it is essential to curate pertinent information and incorporate various content formats. Enlisting the services of an eLearning agency can be a more advantageous option, as they possess the expertise and experience required to create practical training modules that align with your company's knowledge base. Furthermore, outsourcing allows for the integration of well-designed assessments to measure the learners' comprehension of the material and provide prompt feedback. Compared to hiring single instructional designers, collaborating with an eLearning vendor or agency leads to more consistent and superior quality results, owing to their specialized team of professionals.


At present, L&D departments are leading the way in speedy technological advancements. They are dedicating efforts towards reskilling and upskilling staff while incorporating technologies and methods that reduce expenses. To ensure your company's training program remains current and competitive, it's wise to collaborate with a suitable vendor who can provide you with the latest advancements. This will keep you ahead of the competition.



Your organization deserves customized eLearning courses that connect with your learners.

Custom eLearning development has become an essential tool for organizations who want to stay competitive in the modern world. By leveraging the latest technologies and instructional design techniques, custom eLearning development offers personalized, engaging, and effective training solutions that meet the needs of learners and corporations.

Key benefits of custom eLearning courses development

The benefits of a well-designed and implemented eLearning program can far outweigh the costs. By providing learners with access to high-quality, relevant training materials, organizations can improve employee performance, increase productivity, and achieve better business outcomes.

Key steps in custom eLearning development

The custom eLearning development process includes the following major steps: analysis and planning; design and development; implementation and launch; deployment and performance monitoring; and updates and maintenance.

Key Considerations and Best Practices to create successful custom eLearning solutions

The key is to remain focused on the needs of the learners and the organization, and to continually evaluate and update the program as needed to ensure ongoing success. With careful planning and execution, custom eLearning development can be an enjoyable and rewarding process that produces valuable learning experiences for learners and significant benefits for the organization.

Investing in custom eLearning development for maximum impact

With custom eLearning development, you can incorporate your company's branding and messaging, as well as create content and engaging eLearning experiences that directly address the challenges and opportunities unique to your industry. While the initial investment may seem daunting, we are here to guide and help you along the way, and the long-term benefits are well worth it. By investing in a tailored, engaging, and effective training program, you're investing in the growth and success of your organization and your people.

Importance of choosing the right eLearning solutions development partner

Choosing the right development partner for custom eLearning development is crucial because they will have a significant impact on the quality of the final product. A good partner can facilitate the whole process, bring expertise, experience, and innovative ideas to the table, while a poor partner can result in delays, poor quality, and wasted resources. Ultimately, the right partner can make the difference between a successful eLearning program and a failed (or never completed) one. Feeling the gravity of selecting the right eLearning partner? We're here to help. Let's jump on a relaxed, no-pressure Zoom chat so we can understand exactly what your project needs and provide you with a tailored quote. 

Your organization deserves customized eLearning courses that connect with your learners. These custom courses should embody your organization's brand and identity, carrying its essence throughout the training material. With the right approach to custom eLearning content development, corporations can create learning content that is uniquely suited to meet their teams' needs and will elevate the workforce’s output to a whole new level. 


    1.  What is Custom eLearning Development?

Custom eLearning development is the process of creating tailored online courses that meet the specific learning needs of organizations and employees.

    1. How is custom eLearning development different from pre-built eLearning solutions?

Custom eLearning development involves creating tailored content that meets an organization's specific training needs, while pre-built eLearning solutions offer standardized content that is ready-made and available for purchase. Pre-built solutions are more affordable and readily available, but custom eLearning development is more flexible and personalized and can lead to a better ROI.

    1. What are the benefits of custom eLearning development?

The benefits of custom eLearning development include better ROI, full control over learning content, personalized learning experiences, cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, scalability, flexibility, convenience, improved employee retention and productivity, and better learning outcomes. Organisations that choose to create custom eLearning courses can effectively nurture and train a competent workforce, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles.

    1. Who can benefit from custom eLearning development?

Anyone can benefit from custom eLearning development. It is particularly useful for organizations that want to train large groups of employees or individuals who want to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

    1. Are custom eLearning solutions suitable for all industries?

Yes, custom eLearning solutions can be customized to meet the specific learning needs of any industry. They can be used for onboarding, compliance training, product training, and more.

    1. How do I know if custom eLearning is right for me or my organization?

Custom eLearning is a great option for anyone who wants personalized, flexible, and cost-effective training. If you are looking for a way to train large groups of employees or provide individualized training for your team, then custom eLearning development may be right for you.

    1. How can I get started with custom eLearning development?

Book a call with us here. We'd love to chat on Zoom about your unique custom learning solution needs and show you how Genius Publicity can bring your eLearning vision to life.

    1. How do you plan for custom eLearning development?

Planning for custom eLearning development involves identifying learning objectives, defining the target audience, and selecting appropriate instructional strategies and technologies to meet those objectives. The development team should also establish timelines and milestones to ensure that the project is completed on schedule. Finally, it's important to test and evaluate the eLearning course to ensure that it's effective and engaging for learners. We can help you out with our all inclusive solutions. Book a call here.

    1. How do I choose the right instructional design approach for my eLearning program?

To choose the right instructional design approach for your eLearning program, you need to consider your learning objectives, your target audience, and the available resources. Choose a design approach that aligns with your learning objectives, fits the learning style of your target audience, and makes the best use of your available resources. Some common approaches include ADDIE, SAM, and Agile, but there are many other options as well. Allow us to help you choose the best option, book a call here.

    1. What are some examples of custom eLearning courses?

Here are some examples of some custom eLearning courses we get asked to create or upgrade: onboarding training, sales training, product training, process training, software application training, safety and compliance training, soft skills and behavior training, leadership training, and well-being training. We can turn any sort of eLearning course into a memorable employee development program that will keep your learners engaged. Common courses for non profit organisations also include: volunteer training, awareness campaigns, skills development for beneficiaries, and internal training such as fundraising training, project management training, etc.

    1. What are some examples of gamification elements I can incorporate into my eLearning program?

Some examples of gamification elements that can be incorporated into custom eLearning programs include points, badges, leaderboards, progress bars, levels, challenges, quests, rewards, and feedback mechanisms. These elements can be used to increase learner engagement, motivation, and retention, and can be customized to fit the specific training needs of the target audience for your eLearning program.

    1. What is the custom eLearning development process?

The custom eLearning development process steps are analysis and planning, design and development, implementation and launch, and deployment and performance monitoring. This process encompasses conducting a needs analysis, establishing learning goals, creating training content and multimedia components, building the eLearning platform, carrying out tests and assessments, and implementing and maintaining the eLearning solution over time.

    1. How long does it take to develop a custom eLearning solution?

The timeline for developing a custom eLearning solution varies depending on the complexity of the eLearning project, the number of multimedia elements, and the amount of interactivity required. On average, it can take anywhere from 6-15 weeks to develop a custom eLearning solution.

    1. How much does custom eLearning development cost?

The cost of custom eLearning development for large corporations can vary depending on several factors, including the content complexity, the number of modules, the design and development resources required, and the technology and software used. It is essential to define clear goals and objectives to ensure that the investment is aligned with the company's business needs and training goals. Book a call with us here.

    1. Can custom eLearning solutions be updated over time?

Yes, custom eLearning solutions can be updated over time to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date. This involves conducting assessments and evaluations to identify areas where improvements can be made and making updates to the content and multimedia elements as necessary.

    1. How do businesses measure the effectiveness of custom eLearning development?

Businesses can measure the effectiveness of custom eLearning solutions by conducting assessments and evaluations to measure employee progress and solution effectiveness. They can also use metrics such as completion rates and employee feedback to gauge the success of the eLearning solution.

    1. What are the best practices for custom eLearning development?

The best practices for custom eLearning development include keeping content relevant and up-to-date, using a consistent visual design, providing user-friendly navigation, incorporating gamification and social learning, incorporating feedback mechanisms, and ensuring compliance with accessibility guidelines (WCAG) and technical standards (such as SCORM and xAPI) .

    1. What are some common challenges in custom eLearning development, and how can they be overcome?

The challenges of custom eLearning development include time and resource constraints, technical and design challenges, content localization and translation, identifying specific training needs, and ensuring compatibility and accessibility across multiple devices and platforms. Contact us to find out how to overcome them.

    1. How do I ensure that my eLearning program is accessible to all employees?

Companies can ensure that their custom eLearning course is accessible to all employees by designing the course with accessibility in mind, including closed captioning and audio descriptions, providing alternative text for images and graphics, and ensuring compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

    1. What are some best practices for maintaining and updating my eLearning program over time?

Some best practices for maintaining and updating an eLearning program over time include: conduct regular assessments, solicit learner feedback, incorporate new technologies, ensure accessibility, establish a maintenance schedule, continuously update and improve the program over time, and train instructions and administrators.

    1. How can companies measure the effectiveness of their custom eLearning courses?

Companies can measure the effectiveness of their custom eLearning course by using analytics and reporting tools to track employee engagement, completion rates, and learning outcomes. They can also conduct surveys and assessments to gather feedback and evaluate the course's impact on employee performance and business goals.

  1. How do you choose the right eLearning development partner?

Picking the right eLearning development partner hinges on matching your project requirements with the expertise of the eLearning vendor, checking their history of success, and verifying their grasp of your target audience's needs. At Genius Publicity, these are areas where we shine. Consider scheduling a call with us to see how we can enhance your next eLearning project.


List of reputable resources for those interested in exploring the topic further.






Custom eLearning Development: The Only Guide You Need